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The Opinion Desk: APNU+AFC internal fractures continue to widen

The Opinion Desk: APNU+AFC internal fractures continue to widen


It is no secret that there is real trouble in the APNU+AFC camp, and having Simona Broomes break away and launch her own political party is a clear indictment of the Coalition’s instability and dysfunction.

Before joining politics, Broomes was a vocal activist. However, after the APNU+AFC secured victory in the 2015 elections, she went from pillar to post and one government ministry to the next.

She was first appointed in 2015 as a Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection. A couple of months later, she moved to the Ministry of Natural Resources as a junior minister.

But what made her break away from the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)? Well, do you remember the other day when Aubrey Norton, Roysdale Forde, SC, and the others were running for the Chairmanship of the PNCR? Well, this opinion desk understands that tension rose then.

However, APNU+AFC has generally struggled with internal conflicts, leadership disputes, and policy inconsistencies.

Several people, including Geeta Chandon-Edmond, James Bond, Attorney-at-Law Thandi McAllister, Shawn Hopkinson, and Brian Smith, would have been seen leaving the APNU+AFC camp.

This spells real trouble for a party that wants to form the next government. For a movement more preoccupied with internal power struggles, how can they serve the interests of the Guyanese? If it is not clear, the APNU+AFC lacks the stability and credibility needed to govern.

In Sonia Parag’s words, “When you want to stand on legs of credibility, come with clean hands first.” You and I know that APNU+AFC cannot come with clean hands.

Anyways, back to Broomes. If she and other loyalists and insiders see no future within APNU+AFC, why should the Guyanese electorate?

This is a wake-up call—a stark reminder that APNU+AFC is on the decline and unworthy of another chance to govern this beautiful country named Guyana.


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